Custom icon in tree view/fr

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Il s'agit d'un exemple de modification de l'icône d'un viewprovider personnalisé qui est normalement ajouté aux objets définis par script.

Icône personnalisée dans la vue combinée

Voici un exemple pour créer un objet avec des propriétés et une icône personnalisées dans la vue combinée (ComboView)

Téléchargez l'icône exemple et placez le dans votre répertoire de macro icône Exemple pour la macro.

Utilisation d'une icône pour trois cas d'utilisation différents: icon_in_file_disk (format .png), icon_XPM_in_macro (format .XPM) et icon_resource_FreeCAD

icon personalised

import PySide
import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui, Part
from pivy import coin
from PySide import QtGui ,QtCore
from PySide.QtGui import *
from PySide.QtCore import *
import Draft

global path
param = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macro")# macro path in FreeCAD preferences
path = param.GetString("MacroPath","") + "/"                        # macro path
path = path.replace("\\","/")                                       # convert the "\" to "/"

class IconViewProviderToFile:                                       # Class ViewProvider create Property view of object
    def __init__( self, obj, icon):
        self.icone = icon
    def getIcon(self):                                              # GetIcon
        return self.icone
    def attach(self, obj):                                          # Property view of object
        self.modes = []
        self.modes.append("Flat Lines")
        obj.addDisplayMode( coin.SoGroup(),"Flat Lines" )           # Display Mode
        obj.addDisplayMode( coin.SoGroup(),"Shaded" )
        obj.addDisplayMode( coin.SoGroup(),"Wireframe" )
        obj.addDisplayMode( coin.SoGroup(),"Points" )
        return self.modes

    def getDisplayModes(self,obj):
        return self.modes

########## Example with icon to file # begin ########

object1 = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "Icon_In_File_Disk")                                     # create your object
object1.addProperty("App::PropertyString","Identity", "ExampleTitle0", "Identity of object").Identity = "FCSpring"        # Identity of object
object1.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat" ,"Pitch",    "ExampleTitle0", "Pitch betwen 2 heads").Pitch  = 2.0               # other Property Data
object1.addProperty("App::PropertyBool"  ,"View",     "ExampleTitle1", "Hello world").View            = True              # ...
object1.addProperty("App::PropertyColor" ,"LineColor","ExampleTitle2", "Color to choice").LineColor   = (0.13,0.15,0.37)  # ...
#...other Property Data
#...other Property Data
object1.ViewObject.Proxy = IconViewProviderToFile( object1, path + "FreeCADIco.png")                                      # icon download to file
# FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject( = create now object personalized
# "App::FeaturePython",             = object as FeaturePython
# "Icon_In_File_Disk")              = internal name of your object
# "App::PropertyString",    = type of Property , availlable : PropertyString, PropertyFloat, PropertyBool, PropertyColor
# "Identity",               = name of the feature
# "ExampleTitle0",          = title of the "section"
# "Identity of object")     = tooltip displayed on mouse
# .Identity                 = variable (same of name of the feature)
# object1.ViewObject.Proxy  = create the view object and gives the icon
########## example with icon to file end

########## Example with icon in macro # begin #######

def setIconInMacro(self):        # def contener the icon in format .xpm
    # File format XPM created by Gimp ""
    # Choice palette Tango
    # Create your masterwork ...
    # For export the image in XPM format
    #     Menu File > Export as > .xpm
    # (For convert image true color in Tango color palette : 
    #     Menu Image > Mode > Indexed ... > Use custom palette > Tango Icon Theme > Convert)
    return """
            /* XPM */
            static char * XPM[] = {
            "22 24 5 1",
            " 	c None",
            ".	c #CE5C00",
            "+	c #EDD400",
            "@	c #F57900",
            "#	c #8F5902",
            "                      ",
            "                      ",
            "  ....                ",
            "  ..@@@@..            ",
            "  . ...@......        ",
            "  .+++++++++...       ",
            "  .      ....++...    ",
            "  .@..@@@@@@.+++++..  ",
            "  .@@@@@..#  ++++ ..  ",
            "  .       ++++  .@..  ",
            "  .++++++++  .@@@.+.  ",
            " .      ..@@@@@. ++.  ",
            " ..@@@@@@@@@.  +++ .  ",
            " ....@...# +++++ @..  ",
            " .    ++++++++ .@. .  ",
            " .++++++++  .@@@@ .   ",
            " .   #....@@@@. ++.   ",
            " .@@@@@@@@@.. +++ .   ",
            " ........  +++++...   ",
            " ...  ..+++++ ..@..   ",
            "    ......  .@@@ +.   ",
            "          ......++.   ",
            "                ...   ",
            "                      "};

object2 = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "Icon_XPM_In_Macro")                                    #
object2.addProperty("App::PropertyString","Identity","ExampleTitle","Identity of object").Identity = "FCSpring"
#...other Property Data
#...other Property Data
object2.ViewObject.Proxy = IconViewProviderToFile( object2, setIconInMacro(""))              # icon in macro (.XPM)
########## example with icon in macro end

########## Example with icon to FreeCAD ressource # begin ##########

object3 = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::FeaturePython", "Icon_Ressource_FreeCAD")                               #
object3.addProperty("App::PropertyString","Identity","ExampleTitle","Identity of object").Identity = "FCSpring"
#...other Property Data
#...other Property Data
object3.ViewObject.Proxy = IconViewProviderToFile( object3, ":/icons/Draft_Draft.svg")       # icon to FreeCAD ressource
########## example with icon to FreeCAD ressource end

Exemple complet de création d'un cube avec son icône

import FreeCAD, Part, math
from FreeCAD import Base
from PySide import QtGui

global path
param = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macro")# macro path in FreeCAD preferences
path = param.GetString("MacroPath","") + "/"                        # macro path
path = path.replace("\\","/")                                       # convert the "\" to "/"

def setIconInMacro(self):
    return """
        /* XPM */
        static char * xpm[] = {
        "22 22 12 1",
        " 	c None",
        ".	c #A40000",
        "+	c #2E3436",
        "@	c #CE5C00",
        "#	c #F57900",
        "$	c #FCAF3E",
        "%	c #5C3566",
        "&	c #204A87",
        "*	c #555753",
        "=	c #3465A4",
        "-	c #4E9A06",
        ";	c #729FCF",
        "                      ",
        "                      ",
        "                      ",
        "        ..   ..       ",
        "       +@#+++.$$      ",
        "       +.#+%..$$      ",
        "       &*$  &*#*      ",
        "      &   =&=  =      ",
        "   ++&  +.==   %=     ",
        "  ++$@ ..$ %=   &     ",
        "  ..-&%.#$$ &## +=$   ",
        "   .#  ..$ ..#%%.#$$  ",
        "     ;    =+=## %-$#  ",
        "     &=   ;&   %=     ",
        "      ;+ &=;  %=      ",
        "      ++$- +*$-       ",
        "      .#&&+.@$$       ",
        "      ..$# ..$#       ",
        "       ..   ..        ",
        "                      ",
        "                      ",
        "                      "};

class PartFeature:
    def __init__(self, obj):
        obj.Proxy = self

class Box(PartFeature):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        PartFeature.__init__(self, obj)
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength", "Length", "Box", "Length of the box").Length = 1.0
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength", "Width",  "Box", "Width of the box" ).Width  = 1.0
        obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLength", "Height", "Box", "Height of the box").Height = 1.0

    def onChanged(self, fp, prop):
            if prop == "Length" or prop == "Width" or prop == "Height":
                fp.Shape = Part.makeBox(fp.Length,fp.Width,fp.Height)

    def execute(self, fp):
        fp.Shape = Part.makeBox(fp.Length,fp.Width,fp.Height)

class ViewProviderBox:
    def __init__(self, obj, icon):
        obj.Proxy  = self
        self.icone = icon
    def getIcon(self):
        return self.icone

    def attach(self, obj):

    def setupContextMenu(self, obj, menu):
        action = menu.addAction("Set default height")
        action.triggered.connect(lambda f=self.setDefaultHeight, arg=obj:f(arg))

        action = menu.addAction("Hello World")

    def setDefaultHeight(self, view):
        view.Object.Height = 15.0

    def showHelloWorld(self):
        QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None, "Hi there", "Hello World")

def makeBox():
#    ViewProviderBox(a.ViewObject, path + "FreeCADIco.png")    # icon download to file
#    ViewProviderBox(a.ViewObject,  ":/icons/Draft_Draft.svg") # icon to FreeCAD ressource
    ViewProviderBox(a.ViewObject,  setIconInMacro(""))        # icon in macro (.XPM)
